A huge THANK YOU to all the volunteers who made the 2013 Eastern Ontario Permaculture Convergence a huge success!
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SESSION 1, 10:15am – 11:15am
What is Permaculture? An Intro to Permaculture Principles – with Sébastien Bacharach
Presentation. Beginner level. If you have not taken a permaculture course, we highly recommend that you attend this presentation.
Where: Gymnasium
Permaculture and its design principles come from observing natural systems. Permaculture can be applied to physical things – like houses, gardens and landscapes – as well as to “social” things – like school curricula, organisational planning and business models. We’ll look at examples of the principles on the physical landscape and in the social realm. In permaculture, we work with nature, start small and slow, emphasise multiple functions, create redundancy, promote beneficial relationships, use renewable resources, cycle resources, maximise diversity and edges, work with evolution, and are creative!
Sébastien is one of the co-founders and teachers with the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario. He is an Eco-logical Educator, Community Builder and Web Architect. Sébastien became certified as a permaculture designer at the Permaculture Research Institute, Australia, by internationally renowned teacher Geoff Lawton in 2001. He trained as a Permaculture Teacher at Ocean Song, California. He is one of the co-founders of Transition Perth and an active member of his local community. He is involved with the Perth Farmers Market and community Listening Circles, amongst other projects. www.eonpermaculture.ca
Permaculture Design for Community Gardens: Design Problems and Best Practices – with Chris Bisson
Presentation. Advanced level; meant for folks who have a background in permaculture.
Where: Classroom 1
Chris will present his experiences designing and implementing the Graduate Students Society’s Community Garden at Carleton University. The garden was developed using the permaculture design process. The process also involved navigating the complex institutional requirements of Carleton University, as well as exploring issues of environmental health when working with contaminated soil. Chris provides a visual and detailed presentation of his design process. The presentation will provide best practice advice for doing permaculture design for community gardens on land owned by large private institutions. It will also provide solutions for the unique design needs of community gardens.
Chris Bisson is permaculture design consultant and researcher. He obtained his PDC in 2011 at the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario. He was one of the original Permaculture Ottawa organizers, and a busy activist within Ottawa’s social and environmental justice movements. Chris is currently concluding graduate research in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Carleton University on the land use governance challenges of developing food forests in the Ottawa Greenbelt. Chris is passionate about bridging permaculture and urban environmental justice in his research, design and activism.
Actively Aerated Compost Tea? A Bio-Productive Fiesta!! – with Graham Calder
Presentation. Advanced level; meant for folks who have a background in permaculture.
Where: Classroom 2
Have you heard of AACT? Compost Tea? Do you want to know what all the fuss is about! Is this just a fad or an effective Biointensive organic production strategy? In this Presentation we will discuss why AACT is so beneficial, how it works and what are the key features to success. We will take a micro to macro perspective of this method and understand why it works, and why we need to brew it. Dont be tempted to buy and easy kit we will show you how to make your own home scale kit for a fraction of the cost.
P3 Permaculture is a social enterprise whose goal is to teach permaculture & establish demonstration sites, while creating jobs & opportunities for our communities. Graham Calder, founder of P3, was raised on a 75 acre organic subsistence farm in Nova Scotia. He graduated with a Ba in Human Environment minor in Ecology at Concordia University, during which he worked for Environment Canada’s museum of the environment, the Biosphere. Certified permaculturlist from Pacific Permaculture of British Columbia, he then apprenticed at the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia where he acquired his Permaculture Teacher Certification with the renown Geoff Lawton. www.p3permaculture.ca
A Selection of Permaculture Writings by Louis Laframboise & Douglas Barnes
Available throughout both days.
Where: Cafeteria
A selection of articles and other writing by Louis and Douglas, two active permaculturists in the region, will be available for your reading enjoyment in the cafeteria throughout the convergence. Articles from Louis include “How Biogas Is Weaved Into An Argentinian Landscape”, as well as a letter published in the Permaculture Activist about his observations while down south. Articles from Douglas include “Permaculture Earthworks”.
Louis Laframboise, permaculture designer, creates unique landscape designs throughout Ottawa, Perth and surrounding areas. He spent six years travelling in South America (Argentina and Bolivia) investigating and experimenting with permaculture concepts in arid climates. His research and writing is motivated by permaculture principles and natural patterns which is the driving force in his experiential field work and daily practice.
Douglas Barnes is a permaculture designer, consultant and teacher. He has designed and implemented permaculture systems in India, Japan and Canada as well as consulted on projects in Japan, Canada, and Australia. He has taught permaculture seminars in Japan and Canada and is in the process of becoming a certified permaculture teacher qualified to teach the 72-hour design certificate course. Douglas holds two Permaculture Design Course certificates: one from a course taught by Geoff and Daniel Lawton in Brisbane, Australia in 2004, and one from a course taught by Geoff Lawton and permaculture founder Bill Mollison in Melbourne the following year. Douglas has been active in permaculture since 2004 and has been an educator for 20 years. Douglas is part of the teaching team with the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario.
SESSION 2, 11:30am – 12:30pm
Basic Design of a Food Forest in Cold Climates – with Wen Rolland
Presentation. All levels.
Where: Gymnasium
Wen will present the basics of designing a food forest in cold climates like in Quebec and Ontario and show examples of food forest in Quebec and around the world.
Wen Rolland is an ecological systems designer, permaculturist and head gardener at “Le Jardin Collectif de St-Jérôme” in Québec. He is particularly interested in cold climate Permaculture and the conscious design of human regenerative ecosystems. He has been building his own food forest for 6 years and has been teaching about food forests in French for 2 years. His approach is based on Dave Jacke’s and Martin Crawford’s books. For more information: wenrolland.blogspot.com and permafroid.blogspot.com
Spiritual Permaculture: Theory and Practice behind Mystical Teachings of Anastasia (Ringing Cedars Series) – with Dasha Tilleul
Workshop/discussion. All levels.
Where: Classroom 1
Mystical teachings of an extraordinary visionary and an intuitive Siberian healer Anastasia have captivated the hearts and minds of permaculturists worldwide. As described in the Ringing Cedars Series, she offered a simple solution to heal the disconnect between Man and Nature through creation of personal, self-sustainable Spaces of Love on 1 hectare of land called Family Domains. We will discuss theoretical and practical principles of Family Domain creation, share personal experience, as well as give an overview of the powerful eco-village movement arising from Russia guided by Anastasia’s vision. The workshop will include activities.
Vedmama or Vedaushaya Mat’ (rus) is a mother who knows. Native to Siberian plains, Dasha has been a devoted disciple of Anastasia’s teachings for the past four years. She has successfully applied Anastasia’s principles in every aspect of life: from conceiving and birthing two of her children to the creation of her family’s domain: Agape Gardens and Homestead. This spring Dasha is starting a year-long certification in AgroEcology with Sepp Holzer. www.agapegardens.ca
Awareness and Animal Tracks 101 – with Chad Clifford (Inuktitut name: A-GIAT-SAAT)
Workshop. All levels.
Where: Classroom 2
One truly enters a new level of woods awareness when studying the world of animal tracks. It requires one to track the weather, consider the terrain, habitat, and many other factors that influence the behaviour of the animals. But awareness starts before you see the first track or even enter the woods. This workshop is an introductory to exploring the world of animal tracks along with awareness exercises that make it easier.
Besides taking numerous trainings by noted instructors like Tom Brown Jr. and Mors Kohanski, Chad continues to learn outdoor skills from various experts, elders, and friends. As a graduate of Lakehead University in Natural Science, Outdoor Recreation, graduate studies at the University of Alberta along with a teacher Education degree, he has worked hard to become a facilitator of quality, wilderness experiences. Chad Clifford has taught outdoor skills and environmental education on remote out-trips, in public schools through to University and colleges as well as with private, wilderness education businesses and volunteered community positions. His main interests are in ‘bushcraft’: the skills of the woodsman, and ‘music in nature’. www.wildernessrhythms.com
SESSION 3, 1:45pm – 2:45pm
Practical application of Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture in Phase I: Creation of Agape Gardens and Homestead – with Sebastien Armand
Presentation. All levels; most of interest to advanced level.
Where: Gymnasium
Mr. Armand will give practical insight into his personal experience of applying Sepp Holzer inspired permaculture both in urban and rural settings. He will explore 3D techniques used in the transformation of the Lindsay St. Community Garden (Ottawa) and Phase I: Creation of Agape Gardens and Homestead (rural Perth, Ontario).
Sebastien Armand holds a Permaculture Certificate from Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton. For the past six years Mr. Armand has extensively and successfully applied permaculture principles in creation of food systems for urban and rural projects, as well as national and international (USA, Argentina, Turkey, Costa Rica, Jamaica). This spring Sebastien is beginning a year long certification in Sepp Holzer’s AgroEcology. www.agapegardens.ca
Perma-Life: Low Budget Urban Designs, Greenhouse, Solar Transport – with Kaia Nightingale
Presentation. All levels.
Where: Classroom 1
Permaculture is living in natural harmony on planet earth, for generations to come. We’ve figured out how to grow vegetables the permaculture way, now how would a holistic, sustainable, permaculture lifestyle look and feel in downtown Ottawa? This workshop includes snippets of footage showing inspiring urban permaculture already up and running: balcony greenhouse, urban composting and water catchment, solar transport, and holistic lifestyle, leisure and entertainment choices which summed together create a joyous, harmonious way of being that saves thousands of dollars a year.
About Kaia: Permaculture trained. Amateur builder. Urban gardener. Artist, author, philosopher. Thirteen years living in simple third-world conditions. Co-founder of Transition Ottawa. Trained Yogini and meditation instructor. Creative solutions from simple materials to transform Canadian life. Shamanic training. Presenter and teacher providing consciousness raising workshops since 1986.
Local Growing Tree Nuts – with Hank Jones
Hands-on workshop. All levels.
–CANCELLED– due to nuts ban in school. This workshop will be rescheduled soon in May or June. Stay tuned to the Permaculture Ottawa homepage for details.
Show and tell about processing tree nut crops harvested from landscape trees growing in Ottawa’s urban agroforest. Nuts, equipment, storage, cracking, husking, hulling, recipes, uses, web sources, literature, and more. The workshop will prepare people to harvest and use Ottawa tree nuts, starting this crop year.
About Hank: 70 year old male. Founding member ECSONG 1978 and its editor and chair many times. Biologist by training and vocation. Originator of The Nuttery; Inventree; Canada Nutist; Friends of Torbolton Sandhills; BRAINS program; Friends of Torbolton Centre; Allbirch Pollinator Garden; C-Bay Shoreline Cleanup; Ottawa Nut Tree Tours; Red Oak Forest Festival; Urban Agroforestry promoter; and more.
SESSION 4, 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Permaculture Design: A Land-Based and A Social Example – with Bonita Ford
Presentation. All levels. If you have not taken a permaculture course, we recommend that you attend Sebastien’s beginner presentation in session 1 prior to this presentation.
Where: Gymnasium
Learn about two examples of permaculture design, one applied to a land-based system and the other applied to a social system. The first example is a 1/5 acre residential (suburban/urban- scaled) piece of land in Perth, ON. See the progression and evolution of this design from year 1 to year 3, which includes a young food forest, annual veggie beds, sheet mulched raised beds, a hugelkultur, compost, and more. The second example shows how permaculture design was used to design the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario’s courses. This design focusses on creating mutually beneficial relationships and more useful outputs/products for PIEO, its partner organisations, students, and the community.
Bonita Ford is co-founder and part of the teaching team with the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario. She has a Permaculture Diploma with l’Université Populaire de Permaculture in France, and an M.A. in Holistic Health Education from JFK University. She took her first Permaculture Design Course through Urban Permaculture Guild and Oakland Permaculture Institute from 2005 to 2006. Bonita has led workshops and groups worldwide for over nine years, including in Port-au-Prince, Budapest, Soweto, San Francisco, Seattle, New Mexico, Vermont, Toronto, Ottawa and Perth. In her workshops and individual coaching, she blends permaculture, Nonviolent Communication, Reiki and body-centred learning. www.eonpermaculture.ca
Permaculture Ottawa – with Elizabeth Cliffen and Ron St. Louis
Presentation. All levels.
Where: Classroom 1
This presentation will be an overview of Permaculture Ottawa. Recent activities, event, and workshops will be covered as well as ongoing projects and committees that people may want to get involved in.
Liz Cliffen has been a member of the Ottawa Permaculture community from the beginning. An active member of Permaculture Ottawa, she completed her Design Course in 2012, and is continuing project design work at Andrew Fleck Childcare Services.
Ron St. Louis is a practicing permaculturist who is transforming his 4-acre property in Western Quebec. A few interesting things he is working on or has implemented includes beekeeping, hugulkulture, soil enhancement, and a medicinal herb garden. Ron obtained his PDC in 2012 at the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario.
Indigenous Solidarity and Permaculture – with Timothy Kitz
Workshop/discussion. All levels.
Where: Classroom 2
This discussion-oriented workshop will cover general topics like the colonization of the Ottawa River watershed, contemporary Algonquin struggles, and approaches for settlers doing solidarity work. Questions specific to permaculture will also be examined. Are indigenous and permaculture approaches complementary? What are the ethics of using indigenous methods and plants in permaculture? These are just some of the questions that will be explored.
Timothy Kitz is a descendant of settlers who does solidarity work with the Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement of Ottawa. He first encountered permaculture while traveling across the United States playing music with friends, and finally got around to taking a Design Course in 2012. He worked in a homeless shelter while living at an intentional community in inner-city Chicago, and runs a musical ‘hootenanny’ every Sunday at another intentional community in Ottawa. He has written for The Leveller, on such topics as the historical context for Idle No More.
Fire with Tom Marcantonio
Workshop. All levels.
Where: Cafeteria
Fire is a basic tenet of survival. We rely on fire to keep us warm, purify water, cook our food, and provide us psychological comfort. Tom Marcantonio will introduce presentation attendees to the basics of fire. Tom will share the pros and cons of heat source options, firewood basics, a few tips and tricks for fire making, top down fires, cool kindling options, blow tubes and a possible small rocket stove demo outside. The presentation may include a brief fire ceremony lead by an indigenous community member.
Tom is an urban farmer who holds a Master Gardener Certificate and a Permaculture Design Certificate. He is an avid gardener with an expertise in tomatoes. Tom is extremely active in the community working to help schools implement gardens, helping with local community gardens, and delivering gardening workshops.
SESSION 1, 10:15am – 11:15am
Positive Solutions with Permaculture: A Presentation on Practical Examples – with Graham Calder
Presentation. All levels.
Where: Gymnasium
What is Permaculture? Sure there are a million and one great definitions! In depth explanations! But what does it look like? and what is the scaleability. From the Backyard to the Broad acre there is something for everyone! This is a visually stimulating Q&A integrated Permaculture Presentation Focusing on Positive, Inspirational Solutions for every scale. In this presentation we will spend a short time looking at the definition of permaculture and then focus on what are the techniques, Methods and concepts. A picture is worth a thousand words so that’s what we’ve got. Pictures and short video clips of great simple and complex permaculture solutions, from across the globe. This presentations about the inspiration of positive solutions that are shaping our future. Hold on to your hay bales!
P3 Permaculture is a social enterprise whose goal is to teach permaculture & establish demonstration sites, while creating jobs & opportunities for our communities. Graham Calder, founder of P3, was raised on a 75 acre organic subsistence farm in Nova Scotia. He graduated with a Ba in Human Environment minor in Ecology at Concordia University, during which he worked for Environment Canada’s museum of the environment, the Biosphere. Certified permaculturlist from Pacific Permaculture of British Columbia, he then apprenticed at the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia where he acquired his Permaculture Teacher Certification with the renown Geoff Lawton. www.p3permaculture.ca
When the Seed Hits the Ground: The Ins and Outs of Planting Ottawa’s Food Forest – with Sarah Lévesque-Walker and Katrina Siks
Presentation. All levels.
Where: Classroom 1
Imagine Ottawa as a city in which food trees grow abundantly in public spaces, and the harvest is free to pick! In this presentation we will talk about the successes and challenges experienced by Permaculture Ottawa and Hidden Harvest Ottawa in working with both the City of Ottawa and the National Capital Commission regarding food trees. We will also discuss how you can contribute to neighbourhood food tree plantings, develop your own neighborhood food forest, and work with us to establish a community-based permaculture nursery that will provide local permaculturists with much-needed plants that are specifically bred to thrive in Ottawa’s climate.
Sarah Levesque-Walker is a founding member of Permaculture Ottawa (PO) and helps to coordinate PO’s Community Urban Food Forest project. She took her Introduction to Permaculture in 1998, completed her PDC in 2000, and is currently caretaking a 1/3 acre permaculture homestead (with a newly planted food forest) in suburban Ottawa while completing an MA in Geography at Carleton.
Katrina Siks is a co-founder of Hidden Harvest Ottawa, a social enterprise which picks and shares city fruit and nuts, sells food bearing trees, and is launching a ground-breaking project to access food grown on public land in collaboration with the Ottawa Food Bank, called “Trees to Tables”. Katrina took her Introduction to Permaculture in 2009, is an Instructor Trainer with Outward Bound Canada and has a BSc in Earth Science and Business.
Re-Design Your Life with Permaculture – with Bonita Ford
Hands-on workshop. All levels. If you have not taken a permaculture course, we recommend that you attend Graham’s presentation in session 1 prior to this workshop.
Where: Classroom 2
Have you ever wondered how one can apply permaculture design to one’s personal life and life choices? Learn to put on your “permaculture lens” and play with some permaculture tools to re-design your life. We’ll explore our vision for our lives, our needs and aims. We’ll use permaculture zones to map out where we currently place our energy and time, as well as where we’d ideally like to place our energy and time. We’ll explore some of the key elements, projects and activities in our lives, identifying their inputs and outputs, to see where we can create more beneficial connections.
Bonita Ford is the co-founder and part of the teaching team with the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario. She has a Permaculture Diploma with l’Université Populaire de Permaculture in France, and an M.A. in Holistic Health Education from JFK University. She took her first Permaculture Design Course through Urban Permaculture Guild and Oakland Permaculture Institute from 2005 to 2006. Bonita has led workshops and groups worldwide for over nine years, including in Port-au-Prince, Budapest, Soweto, San Francisco, Seattle, New Mexico, Vermont, Toronto, Ottawa and Perth. In her workshops and individual coaching, she blends permaculture, Nonviolent Communication, Reiki and body-centred learning. www.eonpermaculture.ca
Plants in Focus: Nettle and Comfrey – Permaculture Applications, Edibility, and Medicinal Uses – with Ron St. Louis and Corrie Rabbe
Presentation. Advanced level – meant for folks who have a background in permaculture.
Where: Cafeteria
Ron and Corrie will take you on an in-depth journey into the multiple uses of two amazing plants: nettles and comfrey. They will discuss how these plants can be applied to permaculture design, as well as their use as a foodstuff and medicine. Corrie will demonstrate how to make an infusion using nettles, a comfrey poultice, and more. Proper identification, harvesting, and storing will be covered. Please bring a tea cup!
Ron and Corrie are practicing permaculturists who are transforming their 4-acre property in Western Quebec. A few interesting things they are working on or have implemented include beekeeping, hugulkulture, soil enhancement, and a medicinal herb garden. Ron obtained his PDC in 2012 at the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario. Corrie has been studying natural history, botany, and herbalism for years. She holds a certificate on the Science & Art of Herbalism from Sage Mountain Herbal Centre. She uses medicinal and edible plants every day for food, medicine, and cosmetics.
SESSION 2, 11:30am – 12:30pm
Permaculture Farm Design in Progress – with Brenda Dolling
Presentation. All levels.
Where: Gymnasium
Whole Village Farm/Ecovillage has been implementing a permaculture design for 11 years on a large farm in Caledon, Ontario. This workshop documents that process with all the plan amendments, successes and challenges. Through pictures and descriptions, a member of the intentional community tells the tale of how one farm is evolving toward a permaculture design over the long term. Topics include growing trees and food, eco-building, water conservation, soil building and social permaculture.
Brenda Dolling grew up on a conventional mixed farm in Oakville and has returned to farming after a career in teaching. Co-creating an ecovillage using permaculture principles is a culmination of her values and dreams. She has a permaculture design course certificate and has been co-teaching and co-ordinating a course for the last 3 years at the farm in Caledon with Gregoire Lamoureux from B.C.
Flowering Food – with Telsing Andrews
Hands-on workshop. All levels.
Where: Classroom 1
Using cardboard manipulative plant pieces and a large grid game board, we’ll flesh out ideas for attractive, useful and edible gardens. After a short discussion on basic aesthetic and ecological design principles, objectives will be collectively decided upon for each group. Let’s see what we can create!
About Telsing: I have been designing beautiful edible gardens for myself and a few others for the last decade and write about it on my blog The Veggie Patch Reimagined while leading a full life with my home schooled children on our recently purchased acreage just outside of town. http://veggiepatchreimagined.blogspot.ca/2012/02/eat-my-front-yard.html
Lean Income and Thriving by Design – with Sébastien Bacharach
Hands-on workshop. All levels. If you have not taken a permaculture course, we recommend that you attend Graham’s presentation in session 1 prior to this workshop.
Where: Classroom 2
Sébastien will share the story of how he and Bonita, using permaculture concepts, have learned to create a lifestyle that meets most of their needs on a lean income. Their current lifestyle includes mostly organic and local food, a home with a big garden, flexible vacation time, personal creative projects, community volunteering and a lot of freedom. You will have the opportunity to explore some of these concepts through exercises applied to your own life and financial situation.
Sébastien is one of the co-founders and teachers with the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario. He is an Eco-logical Educator, Community Builder and Web Architect. Sébastien became certified as a permaculture designer at the Permaculture Research Institute, Australia, by internationally renowned teacher Geoff Lawton in 2001. He trained as a Permaculture Teacher at Ocean Song, California. He is one of the co-founders of Transition Perth and an active member of his local community. He is involved with the Perth Farmers Market and community Listening Circles, amongst other projects. www.eonpermaculture.ca
COMMUNITY POTLUCK LUNCH, 12:30pm to 1:45pm
Join us for a community potluck lunch in the cafeteria. Please bring a dish to share that serves at least 10, which does NOT REQUIRE HEATING UP OR REFRIGERATION. Please bring your own plates, utensils, serving utensils, mugs, and a list of ingredients in your dish (for folks with food allergies or dietary choices). Folks will be responsible for cleaning their own dishes after the meal.
Special Performance by Max the Banjo Man
With special musical performance by Max the Banjo Man at 1:15 pm.
Maxim Cossette is a 27 year old musician. He has performed in venues all over Canada, the US and Ireland. Half of his travels have been for organized concerts, half have been on spiritual journeys. These journeys have resulted in a number of mystical experiences. His travels have resulted in two extra names; Salvador Dali Lama and Banjo Man.
Maxim booked the first ever Organic Farmhouse Concert Tour. With the help of Woofing.ca (willing workers on Organic Farms) her performed at organic farms and eco villages across the country. The aim was to build community resilience through potlucks, concerts and jams.
Maxim presently works as a bike Mechanic at Right Bike, a community bike share program in Hintonburg. He’s also in the last stages of an undergraduate degree in English at Carleton university. Maxim lives at The Borderlands Collective on Gladstone ave; they host regular events and maintain non-oppressive practices.
He’s currently booking a national tour with his band, The Sick Sick Sicks. They hope to promote Longboarding for Peace, an initiate that allows people of diverse backgrounds to gather and engage in a fun and healthy activity.
AFTERNOON SESSIONS, 1:45pm – 3:45pm
Open Space Technology (OST) Forum
Discussions, sharing and more. All levels.
Where: Introduction to the OST Forum at 1:45pm in the gymnasium.
- What do we envision for our permaculture community? How do we want it to grow?
- Participants are encouraged to initiate topics, start discussions, and get the ball rolling!
- Learn about permaculture projects in our community and get involved.
World Café – hosted by Wendolyn Nicholds
Where: Classroom 2
Welcome to the World Knowledge Cafe. Sunday afternoon special invitation to be given for those interested at registration.
Wendy will be hosting a knowledge cafe that will explore the topic of “Food paths and how to get to our destination”. Question to be explored will be:
- Why would you care if the food trucks stopped coming from California?
- Imagine this is happening now?
- What plan and path could we take?
- How can we apply the principles of permaculture to help us with our plan?
- We encourage all participants the conventional thinkers and nonconventional?
Wendolyn Nicholds R.N completed her Permaculture Design Course with the Permaculture Institute of Eastern Ontario October 2011. Her interests have been as an Canadian Organic Grower, American Hemerocallis Judge, long time member of the Ottawa Horticultural Society. A member of an Intentional Community for 8 years learning permaculture design, compassionate communication and consensual decision making. A active member of PO. Thanks from Wendolyn goes to permaculture teachers Bonita Ford, Sebastien Bacharach, Douglas Barnes and Louis Laframboise. Many wonderful books especially the co-founders Bill Mollison and David Holmgren.
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